Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dunch Noe on Marvel

Spidey on the left is reported to join the Walt Disney Company after Mickey Mouse committed a crime against South Park Character named Kenny.

Okay, I was joking.

The Walt Disney Company had tabled a $4 billion dollars bid to buy Marvel Comics.

I think I am better looking than spidey and come by much cheaper at $2 billion Sing dollars.

Any buyers?

For the news report, refer to the link


  1. whoa... i didn't know that! i gave it a quick search and hell it's true!

    we'll be able to see mickey mouse and the incredible hulk being good friends some years down the road i suppose =D

  2. I wouldn't wanna imagine an Incredible Hulk with Mickey Mouse nose and Spidey with Mickey Mouse ears.

    Who knows we will see X-Men on Ice?
