Monday, September 7, 2009

Dunch Noe is now Freeway Warrior

Yeah, I am bored at work, thus I was exploring the web again.

Went back into this free online print of Joe Dever's Gamebooks and started my Ub3r character in Freeway Warrior.

For those clueless about Gamebooks, gamebooks are basically paperbacks RPG games that you flipped page 7 to 108 then to 35 again like a madman to fight your enemies, scribbling on a piece of paper and erasing the entries to update the action char again.

For those fans of the dreaded gamebooks : Visit Me!



  1. wow you've got internet access at work, unlike dunch care haha.

    is DnD considered a gamebook? i tried it before, it can be quite fun, and it allows infinite space for creativity =D

    my two friends got into a fight with one another in a weapon store and started throwing things around haha.

  2. DnD is a board-chess game with the rules defined and a GM to allow creativity and explorability of the game.

    ADnD is approximately the same with a larger set of rules.

    Most games, including mmorpg, gamebooks have their stat build/style mastered after DnD. Even the modifier stats etc were taken from the DnD creativity style.
