Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dunch Noe on Why Singaporeans need to work on their English and Listening Skills

Seriously, Singaporeans are bad listeners. They have poor command of English and as a Singaporean, I'm not denying they are probably the worst customers I had come across.

With such bad language skills, they are still demanding.

Many of you may have heard this Epic in person from me.

Untee: I cannot see anything on my computer.

Me: Madam, are you referring to your computer screen? Can you tell me what is it that you cannot see on your computer.

Untee: I see a blank page.

Me: Okay, you see a blank page. Can you describe the blank page to me? Is it white in colour, blue in colour or black in colour?

Untee: I cannot see anything.

Me: I understand you are unable to see anything, but can you tell me was your monitor switched on?

Untee: I see a blank page.

*pukes blood*

This is the standard moronic reply I get day in day out. Seriously, if you are guilty of this type of moronic reply, please bang your head against the wall to save the resources.

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