Friday, August 7, 2009

Dunch Noe on National Day

Sunday is the National Day but in the corporate world, we are oblivious to the importance of it.

The 'Independence' of Singapore is never celebrated in the corporate world. To the people in the corporate world, Singapore was never independent.

Singapore depends on water purchases from neighbouring countries. Without which, all the livelihood of the Singapore will be a disaster. Other than oxygen, water is the world most precious commodity which the island (I don't think Singapore is a country) is lacking. In the past, Singapore is extremely dependent on Johor Water. With the desalination plants that makes marine water drinkable and NEWater plants that makes our piss drinkable, we slowly reduce the dependency of our neighbours. However, with the targeted population in Singapore, I think we will eventually drink water from our humid air via Condensation Plants.

Food, another necessity, is purchased from neighbouring countries such as Thailand (our main supplier of rice), Malaysia (vegetables, poultry and meat), Indonesia (fish, vegetables and meat). With our staple diet sourcing from various countries, we have subjected ourselves to possible famine when there is bird flu, swine flu, chicken flu, H1N1, H2N2, H3N3, mad cow disease, crazy pig influenza, moronic bird illness. Since there is almost zero production in Singapore to produce what we require to eat, I will suggest a constant diet of human flesh, possibly cooked in various style like boneless human rice, lang kut teh, human chop, nasi orang etc.

Now, another lack of natural resource that Singapore encounters is the lack of land. Land, being an important resource for building and growth, can slow down the growth of a powerful nation when the nation is facing a shortage of. Being a smaller country, with a relatively small (humji) population size, it is not possible to utilize the methods which Genghis Khan, Caesar, Hannibal etc have employed. Thus, land conquest is not likely to occur in a trillion years. Maybe in 2 trillion years time, Singapore will invade Malaysia. Thus, the island needs to look at space conquest with specialized foreign talents recruited from Mars and Venus to look for asteroids that can increase the land size of Singapore. One such destination is the moon.

Once we manage to be self-sufficient in all these 3 areas, we can finally declare our nation's independence.

Did anyone mention oil?


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